Published inProAndroidDevKotlin Multiplatform — How to improve the iOS development experienceIn this article, I will explore a range of helpful techniques aimed at improving the development workflow in KMP projects for iOS teams.Nov 1, 2024Nov 1, 2024
Published inProAndroidDevWhat’s Native?In the world of mobile programming - after Symbian, Java ME and Windows Phone -, “native” was the adjective used to categorize an…May 11, 20241May 11, 20241
Published inProAndroidDevCompose Multiplatform — managing UI State on iOSWithin the scope of this story, we shall delve into two distinct strategies for managing UI State in Compose Multiplatform for iOS.Aug 12, 20231Aug 12, 20231
Published inProAndroidDevKotlin Multiplatform Mobile — sharing the UI State managementSharing the UI State management with Kotlin Multiplatform MobileApr 19, 2022Apr 19, 2022
Published inProAndroidDevManaging the UI State by using a Finite State Machine and MVI architectureUI State management can be strongly improved by using a Model-View-Intent architecture with the help of a Finite State Machine.Feb 11, 20221Feb 11, 20221
Published inProAndroidDevKotlin Multiplatform Mobile— solving network responses with teamworkOne of my 2021 new year’s resolutions was to dive in into Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM). I strongly believe that KMM is the only¹…Jun 25, 20212Jun 25, 20212
Published inProAndroidDevCompose, Camera and CanvasCreating a custom view using Jetpack Compose with the help of canvas and camera for 3D transformations.Apr 12, 20213Apr 12, 20213
Published inProAndroidDevAchieving Composition with Kotlin interfaces — a practical exampleComposition over inheritance with Kotlin interfacesDec 25, 20201Dec 25, 20201
Published inProAndroidDevViewModel - from Dagger to Hilt.Provide ViewModels usign Dagger, DaggerAndroid and HiltJun 15, 20201Jun 15, 20201
Published inLevel Up CodingCoroutines, Retrofit, and a nice way to handle ResponsesAn asynchronous programming pattern implemented with coroutines to perform “one-time fetch operations”Apr 7, 20205Apr 7, 20205